This is a picture of Surafel and me. Surafel is attempting to take off my hat, which was a definite no-go for me since we hadn't had running water for 2 days and my hair was in that hat for a reason! ha!
I love this picture, though, because it is a great reminder of how fun my time was with him.
Surafel (pronounced Sir-awful) was our translator during our entire time in Ethiopia. He is 20-years-old and speaks fluent English. He has never left his country of Ethiopia, nor did he really express any real interest in leaving - he loves his country. Surafel is currently in school and he was approached by the Mocha Club Director, Barrett Ward, to be the translator for all of the teams that would be visiting Ethiopia over the summer. He accepted and I can't imagine my time in Ethiopia without him.
I could never sit next to him over breakfast or dinner without breaking into laughter. I loved his humor because he was sarcastic and quick-witted; we got along quite well in that arena:)
Beyond his humor, he is smart, well beyond his years. His street sense is unmatched and it is amazing for me to think that he is considered a "nerd" by the locals because he is a Christian and translates for foreigners when they comes - aka "faringis".
His mother has passed away and his father, if I remember correctly, is still alive but he has never met him. He too is a orphan and the children love him! I found myself watching him while we were at Kachini, or Hannah's (another orphanage in Addis). He is a complete natural around the children and they gravitate toward him...or maybe it's the other way around:) He is someone I look up to and he is someone that truly is an example of faith in action.
I think of Surafel often. Mostly I think about what he said one day as we sat in the guest house waiting for our day to begin. We were sitting side-by-side on the couch when I reached into my bag and pulled out my journal. I asked him for his address and email address. As he took my pen and began to write in my journal, I stated to him, "I know you have no intention to visit the United States, but if you ever do, you have a place to stay with me."
I really meant it. I didn't say it to anyone else while we were there and I didn't give anyone else my information. But what he said to me, stuck with me. Surafel replied back to my offer, "Do you know how many times I've heard that and I've never heard back from anyone."
Empty promises...
What amazed me the most is that he continued to write down his information without hesitation. That was a true testament of itself for if I had been told numerous times that exact same thing, I wouldn't be writing down any of my personal information due to the fact that I wouldn't be contacted.
I believe I have a great responsibility in this world to build relaionships. It was something that I lack in my life and you can read about in my blogs that I've been positing since April. I need to slow down in my life and listen to people, build relationships with people...
I can go on all the "right" trips and volunteer my time with local organizations, but if I don't act on my faith that says to "love one another" and it is not accompanied by action, then my faith is dead.
Surafel understands this...that is why he will continue to write down his address and his email address for those who ask because his actions reflect his faith. He has faith in God and that faith in God keeps him grounded to not be so bothered by the fact that sometimes people will hand out empty promises.
My favorite book in the bible is James; full of the vital basics of Christianity delivered in a simple and direct way. James is mainly focused on faith and deeds. I read from James Chapter 2 this morning and I was reminded that there are two types of people.
Those that have faith.
And those that have deeds.
We can't live by faith without taking any action. And we can't take action without having faith...
I believe the actions that I need to take in my life are connecting with people...really building relationships with those around me. It is when I feel most like myself and when I truly feel that I am living out my faith.
Surafel and James seem to get it and watching Surafel live out his faith by connecting with the people was a true testament that someone's faith is made complete by what he does...not by faith alone.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I must write an email to Surafel and tell him just that...
James 2:24 "You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone."