Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Nitty Gritty

So you may be asking a lot of questions in regards to my trip to Africa (or maybe you are not)...either way I will attempt at answering all questions. Please let me know if you have any further questions...I like to talk :)

So on with the who, what, where, when, why, and sometimes, how...

Who is going on this trip?
Me, myself, and I and 8 other team members. 2 males and 7 females...those poor men! We range in age, but the average age is mid 20's. We are from all over the US and I look forward to meeting all of them face-to-face. We have to meet via conference calls every other week and we are in contact with each other in between those meetings via phone, email, facebook, myspace, etc. to get to know one another and prepare for our trip. It is truly amazing how technology can bring people together.

What am I doing in Africa?

I am a member of an organization called Mocha Club. It is a Christian based organization where you donate $7/month (cost of 2 mochas - hence the name) toward a cause of your choice (education in Africa, clean water projects, orphanages, etc). Mocha Club decided to let their members see first hand what giving up 2 mochas each month can do for Africa. I jumped at this opportunity and applied.
We, my team and I, are first and foremost going there to love the people...serve and observe...Experience lives being changed...and it will probably be my own life that will change the most from this mission.
My team will be working at local orphanages throughout Ethiopia with Mocha Club director, Barrett Ward. These orphanages are for children from tiny babies to adolescents.

Where am I going?
In case you missed it, I'm going to Africa...:) more specifically, Ethiopia. We will work at a local orphanage in the capital of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa.
Here’s a quick, general breakdown of our time once on the ground in Addis Ababa. We’ll be visiting a number of ministry sites around the city as well as the area of Ambo just outside Addis Ababa.
* Kachini Study Center – 3 days
* Hannah’s orphanage – 3 days
* AWAA Transitional home – 1 day
* Ambo – 3 days total
· Kaly Hewet Church – 3 half days
· New Hope School – 3 half days

When am I going?

Less than 3 months and couting...
I leave July 1 for Dallas. My team and I will be meeting in Dallas since that is where 963 missions (who Mocha Club partnered with to handle the logistics of the mission trips) is based. My team will then leave July 2nd from Dallas to Ethiopia and we will return July 15th.
As some of you know, it is difficult to get that much time off in any job, but with Target Corp. (who I work for), it is near impossible. However, I have been blessed to have my supervisor support me and she has let me take 2 weeks off. I'm sure I only benefit from the fact that my supervisor is Ethiopian herself and she is very excited for me to ironic and great!!

Why go?

Why not go? This desire only comes from God and I truly believe that we can never give up hope for Africa and the people that call Africa their home.
For the first time in world history, a genocide was proclaimed in Africa, Sudan, while it is still occurring...I can not turn away from this fact...we know and we must act, I must act! I go because I'm convicted...I must go to at least show that we have not forgotten...
I have no box to check once I go, it's not something that I will take off my list of things to do in my lifetime...I can assure you of that...

How am I going?
I am arriving on plane in Ethiopia after only a few hour flight :)
I am going once I have raised enough funds and when I know that I am prepared spiritually...period.

$3150 - includes roundtrip airfare to and from Ethiopia and all accomodations while I'm there
1) I raise support
2) I support myself

How you can help:
#1 Support me in prayer

I was talking to one of my peers from this trip a few days ago and I was asking her to pray for me to have a support team. I long to have a team that is back home that is praying for me and my team and is just as much a part of this trip as everyone that is actually going to Ethiopia. Being spiritually prepared for this trip is my #1 priority.
I ask for safety, security and health of my team. I also ask that our hearts and minds be prepared to serve.

For more information, please take a look at these websites to find out more: (mocha club's parent company)

#2 Support me financially

I love, love, love coffee! I also love fair trade/wage coffee. If you love coffee and supporting people that deserve it, then try out 963missions fair trade coffee that is fresh from Guatemala. 963missions has partnered with farmers in Guatemala so that they give 60% of the proceeds back to the farmers for every bag of coffee that they sell. If you buy their coffee, you support the farmers (60%) and the other 40% of your total purchase will be donated to my trip to Africa. You can click the link below and it saves a "cookie" on your computer so that your computer "knows" to make the donation to my account.
* My niece loves the hot cocoa *

What if you want to send a check?

Make the check out to African Leadership
Mail to:
963 Missions
10440 N. Central Expressway
Dallas, TX 75231

Or to me:
Jennifer Erickson
2002 E. River Rd. Apt. L-1
Tucson, AZ 85718

Please feel free to ask me any and all questions...
cell: 616.301.5103

Thanks for finding out more about my trip and for the support that I have already received...
Much love,

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