Monday, April 21, 2008

Peace Stealers

I read once, in a magazine, about "peace stealers". In the article it discussed identifying those things that steal your peace; get you irritated, the blood boiling, the furrowed brow, etc. In the article, an example was given, by the author, on how she likes to be early/on time for all events/meetings and how her husband is always a few minutes late. Timeliness, or I should say, not being on time, is her "peace stealer".
Well, at work this weekend, I recalled this article and I thought to myself, "wow, work right now is really my peace stealer!" I tried to narrow it down during my drive home from work at 1:30am (yes, that is how late I was at work because I had to close.) I realized that it isn't the work, it's the pace. My job has a "speed is life" mentality and when you throw me into the mix (I am a fast-paced moving person in general), I can be like a tornado while I'm at work. I balance about 50 different projects at once and I have a notebook that I use to write every little thing I have to do that day and the days ahead...not a planner, a regular lined notebook that in one day, can be filled front/back with "to do" items.
In the article, it talked about making sure that you offset your peace stealers by making sure that you are proactive in ensuring that you take control of your peace stealers before they take a hold of you...for the author, it was talking to her husband about being on time and setting the clocks a few minutes ahead...sometimes they are late and sometimes they are on evened out...So....As fast paced as my organization is, do I still allow it to steal my peace??? YES! If my job is making me go crazy at times, what can I do to off set it??? How can I "even it out?" Well, I'm going to Africa and I am volunteering at local organizations in Tucson. It is when I am most at peace with myself and with the world around me...I actually slow down and hear and listen to people. One of my favorite parts of the day is dusk, right before the sun sets. Usually, I'm driving home from work at that time and I get to watch the sunset. Life seems to slow down and I actually live...breathe...enjoy this life that God has planned for me and I usually reflect on the day and pray to God to help me feel a peace in my life, even when I am at work. I feel that God has lead me to this mission trip for this exact purpose (among many other reasons).
You see, this trip is, in a way, selfish in nature. I am going on this mission because I feel a real sense of peace with myself and with those around me when I think of going to Africa or volunteering here in Tucson. No one could, or can, steal this peace from me even if they tried...
James 3:17-18
"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness."

1 comment:

story's said...

Jen, what an honest and truthful blog! How true it is that we let work and other things in our lives get in the way of peace and sharing it with others...I know that since I have been giving more time to God each day, the peace seems to be able to seep in a little bit more...and I have also learned to just revel in the beauty of His work! Love you and miss you...can't wait to see you and just "talk".