Thank you to everyone who supported me with donations...I started packing it tonight and I hope I can fit everything!:)
I wanted to let you know what I will be bringing with me:
* Baby dolls - I have an awesome co-worker who gave me a lot of dolls and barbie dolls
* Toy cars - from same "awesome co-worker"
* Fabric totes - with lots of crafts to decorate them
* Crayons
* Notebook paper
* Construction paper
* Scissors
* Clothes
* Stickers - loads o' stickers
Thank you so much for all of your help...
On a serious note, please pray for me at this time in regards to finding a peace about going...I am so busy right now with moving, packing, and finding a place for my dog to stay that I feel lost and my heart isn't focused on preparing to go...
2 more days and counting! yay!
Much love,
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
We Can Change the World!
I opened up a book today and inside I found a drawing that my niece had drawn for me while I was in Michigan visiting last month. I remember watching her draw it while we waited for our food at a restaurant. Her mommy had given her a few crayons and some lined notebook paper and she made a masterpiece out of it.
Well, at least I thought it was a masterpiece.
I have purple eyes, a green nose, a red mouth, and orange hair. I also have little lines for arms and looks exactly like me! :)
I use this drawing as a bookmark because I love it. I love my niece. I love her innocence. She is a 3-year-old doing exactly what a 3-year-old should be doing. Living her life worry-free...
I looked at this drawing today and I couldn't help but think of the children in Africa. I can see pictures of them in my head of their little bodies ravaged by HIV or any other disease that has decided to plague them. I haven't even been to Africa yet, but I have, and you have, seen the's horrible.
I remember someone telling me that it was very "commendable" for me to be going to Africa. I was immediately bothered by that word...commendable.
What does that mean?
I know what they meant, and it wasn't meant in a bad way at all, but I don't find what I'm doing commendable. It is something that I must do, that I already love doing (even though I haven't gone) and I don't for one minute think I'm giving up anything in my life in order to help people...human beings in dire need of assistance...our assistance.
This trip really isn't's not a cause...I'm not a do-er of good deeds.
This is a real Emergency...they need our help.
There is so much need in this world and I really feel like we all can do a little bit more to help those in this world...even if it's your next door neighbor. It's so rewarding to give back and I think Proverbs 11:25 sums it up well:
"A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes will himself be refreshed."
I feel refreshed...and I thank all of you for supporting me because you have supported them. I pray that all of you spread the word, support your neighbor, love others, donate your time volunteering, or support an organization that you find fantastic! People will benefit from can impact the world!
Do you remember being little and thinking, "I wanna change the world!" Ha...I still believe that...
I leave in 4 days and I was worrying about being prepared spiritually...I felt like all my attention was on packing, moving out of my apartment, saying goodbye to Matt (who left for Afghanistan on Monday), etc. Then I opened up the book today and saw my niece's was a perfect reminder that there are little children orphaned all over the world that deserve to draw a picture with a crayon and not have to worry...........
So, I will pack one more piece of paper and one more crayon...even if it impacts only one person...
Well, at least I thought it was a masterpiece.
I have purple eyes, a green nose, a red mouth, and orange hair. I also have little lines for arms and looks exactly like me! :)
I use this drawing as a bookmark because I love it. I love my niece. I love her innocence. She is a 3-year-old doing exactly what a 3-year-old should be doing. Living her life worry-free...
I looked at this drawing today and I couldn't help but think of the children in Africa. I can see pictures of them in my head of their little bodies ravaged by HIV or any other disease that has decided to plague them. I haven't even been to Africa yet, but I have, and you have, seen the's horrible.
I remember someone telling me that it was very "commendable" for me to be going to Africa. I was immediately bothered by that word...commendable.
What does that mean?
I know what they meant, and it wasn't meant in a bad way at all, but I don't find what I'm doing commendable. It is something that I must do, that I already love doing (even though I haven't gone) and I don't for one minute think I'm giving up anything in my life in order to help people...human beings in dire need of assistance...our assistance.
This trip really isn't's not a cause...I'm not a do-er of good deeds.
This is a real Emergency...they need our help.
There is so much need in this world and I really feel like we all can do a little bit more to help those in this world...even if it's your next door neighbor. It's so rewarding to give back and I think Proverbs 11:25 sums it up well:
"A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes will himself be refreshed."
I feel refreshed...and I thank all of you for supporting me because you have supported them. I pray that all of you spread the word, support your neighbor, love others, donate your time volunteering, or support an organization that you find fantastic! People will benefit from can impact the world!
Do you remember being little and thinking, "I wanna change the world!" Ha...I still believe that...
I leave in 4 days and I was worrying about being prepared spiritually...I felt like all my attention was on packing, moving out of my apartment, saying goodbye to Matt (who left for Afghanistan on Monday), etc. Then I opened up the book today and saw my niece's was a perfect reminder that there are little children orphaned all over the world that deserve to draw a picture with a crayon and not have to worry...........
So, I will pack one more piece of paper and one more crayon...even if it impacts only one person...
Sunday, June 8, 2008
The Mocha Club
$7 per month in Africa does the following:
* Feed one person for a month
* Educate 2 children for 1 school term
* Save 1 person's life from malaria
* Provide clean water to 7 Africans for 1 year
Pretty amazing to think about. This is where my $7 goes every month. I wanted to give you the opportunity to join the Mocha Club if you would like. I have talked about the Mocha Club, but I haven't given you enough information in order for you to find out how you can join.
If you join my team then your $7.00 a month goes toward Orphan Care. There are many other areas where your donations can go toward, but my heart lies with the orphans and making their lives better so that they can have fulfilling lives ahead of them. If you would like to join, please follow this link
I am excited to be working with these orphans in a little less than 3 weeks and I, once again, thank you all for your prayers and support. You have made it possible for me to go!
Other news:
What will my team and I be doing while we are there?
We will be working with 200 orhpans in Addis Ababa and 270 orphans in Ambo (just outside of Addis Ababa). We have two events going on while we are there. One day we are going to put on a "Carnival Day" where we will have tables set up for face painting, making of balloon animals, painting/coloring, etc. Another day we will celebrating holidays. (I have been put in charge of brining Valentine supplies...Valentine's Day in July is the new thing..ha!) It is going to be great to have fun with these children and just let them be children - play, decorate, laugh, and have fun.
Thank you for the support with the donations. I am very excited to take pictures of the children with all of your donations...I will take pictures and be more than happy to post them for all of you to see and enjoy once I return!
Much love,
* Feed one person for a month
* Educate 2 children for 1 school term
* Save 1 person's life from malaria
* Provide clean water to 7 Africans for 1 year
Pretty amazing to think about. This is where my $7 goes every month. I wanted to give you the opportunity to join the Mocha Club if you would like. I have talked about the Mocha Club, but I haven't given you enough information in order for you to find out how you can join.
If you join my team then your $7.00 a month goes toward Orphan Care. There are many other areas where your donations can go toward, but my heart lies with the orphans and making their lives better so that they can have fulfilling lives ahead of them. If you would like to join, please follow this link
I am excited to be working with these orphans in a little less than 3 weeks and I, once again, thank you all for your prayers and support. You have made it possible for me to go!
Other news:
What will my team and I be doing while we are there?
We will be working with 200 orhpans in Addis Ababa and 270 orphans in Ambo (just outside of Addis Ababa). We have two events going on while we are there. One day we are going to put on a "Carnival Day" where we will have tables set up for face painting, making of balloon animals, painting/coloring, etc. Another day we will celebrating holidays. (I have been put in charge of brining Valentine supplies...Valentine's Day in July is the new thing..ha!) It is going to be great to have fun with these children and just let them be children - play, decorate, laugh, and have fun.
Thank you for the support with the donations. I am very excited to take pictures of the children with all of your donations...I will take pictures and be more than happy to post them for all of you to see and enjoy once I return!
Much love,
Friday, June 6, 2008
Walk in it
"And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, 'This is the way, walk in it,' when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left."
Isaiah 30:21
I saw this verse today and I loved it...
I love how it states that I (or you, your next door neighbor, whoever) will hear a voice from behind. He knows we will make mistakes and stumble and fall, but he is right behind us to pick us up.Wow! Think about it. Think about it some more. What is God saying??
My thinking process of this verse:
I am amazed that God is letting us walk in front of Him...He shines a light on our path and He lets us be in front. He guides us and speaks to us through our hearts. He has put the truth in our hearts and we must find what we love and listen to our inner voice and go with it. He will let us know if we are doing right in every area of our life.
God has put His desires in our heart and allows us to find "it" (our desires) and walk in front of Him = "And your ears shall hear a word behind you"
He guides us and speaks to us through our hearts and we must listen to this inner voice = "This is the way, walk in it"
Every area of our life = "when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left"
The Bible really is living. If I had read this verse a year ago, it would not have impacted me quite like it did today. I love to find more meaning in every little thing...with people, with bible verses, with a walk in a park, or when having a conversation with someone. I know, at times, I can probably annoy the poo right out of my boyfriend in particular, but sometimes it needs to be done. My findings, when I disect the inner workings of myself, are a reality of how simple it all really is:
I must never stop learning and never stop growing! I truly believe the more you search yourselves to find who you really are the more you will realize you are much more than just average or normal. I believe you have to trust yourself and that inner voice to become who you really are.
Maybe I could change the verse to:
"This is your own unique way that I made for you, walk in it."
Isaiah 30:21
I saw this verse today and I loved it...
I love how it states that I (or you, your next door neighbor, whoever) will hear a voice from behind. He knows we will make mistakes and stumble and fall, but he is right behind us to pick us up.Wow! Think about it. Think about it some more. What is God saying??
My thinking process of this verse:
I am amazed that God is letting us walk in front of Him...He shines a light on our path and He lets us be in front. He guides us and speaks to us through our hearts. He has put the truth in our hearts and we must find what we love and listen to our inner voice and go with it. He will let us know if we are doing right in every area of our life.
God has put His desires in our heart and allows us to find "it" (our desires) and walk in front of Him = "And your ears shall hear a word behind you"
He guides us and speaks to us through our hearts and we must listen to this inner voice = "This is the way, walk in it"
Every area of our life = "when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left"
The Bible really is living. If I had read this verse a year ago, it would not have impacted me quite like it did today. I love to find more meaning in every little thing...with people, with bible verses, with a walk in a park, or when having a conversation with someone. I know, at times, I can probably annoy the poo right out of my boyfriend in particular, but sometimes it needs to be done. My findings, when I disect the inner workings of myself, are a reality of how simple it all really is:
I must never stop learning and never stop growing! I truly believe the more you search yourselves to find who you really are the more you will realize you are much more than just average or normal. I believe you have to trust yourself and that inner voice to become who you really are.
Maybe I could change the verse to:
"This is your own unique way that I made for you, walk in it."
Short-Term Vs. Long-Term? That is the Question.
I'm currently searching online for a "stuffable rain jacket". If you read my last post, then you know that I am going to have to be a savvy traveler when it comes to packing; can't waste space. I suppose anything "stuffable" will work...hmmm...maybe I'll search for stuffable shoes, crayons, paper, clothing...ha! Anyways, we are nearing the departure date (July 1st) and I still can't believe it's coming up so quickly. Before I know it, the trip will already have come and gone and then what??...Then...what???...
Great question...
If you've been reading my blogs or have been talking to me personally then you understand where my heart is. My heart is everywhere but in the place I am in the job that I currently have. I feel a real pull to serve and not just on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of going to Ethiopia, but really serve. I am not going to do anything drastic and quit my job and move to Tibet, but this pull on my heart definitely has me thinking. I am thinking about long-term after this short-term. How many times in my life, or in your life, have we been impacted by something short-term or short-lived, but failed to make it impact our lives long-term? I have done this numerous times and I am finally waking up. I am waking up to the fact that we, or I, have to follow what interests us. The "thing" that keeps us going and makes us go, "wow, I really feel a peace within." So with that, I ask for your prayers right now. I am asking for clarity on the big picture. Where does the path lead after July 15th when I return to Tucson, AZ? Please pray that I am pointed in the right direction and that my vision not be clouded by my own wants or desires.
The quest for the "stuffable rain jacket" must go on. Before I end this short blog, I wanted to say THANK YOU to all of those who have supported me with donations and prayers in the recent weeks. I would love to shout out names to make it more personal, but that may be awkward...I will just have to call you up and write you letters...thank you, thank you, thank you!
Much love,
Great question...
If you've been reading my blogs or have been talking to me personally then you understand where my heart is. My heart is everywhere but in the place I am in the job that I currently have. I feel a real pull to serve and not just on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of going to Ethiopia, but really serve. I am not going to do anything drastic and quit my job and move to Tibet, but this pull on my heart definitely has me thinking. I am thinking about long-term after this short-term. How many times in my life, or in your life, have we been impacted by something short-term or short-lived, but failed to make it impact our lives long-term? I have done this numerous times and I am finally waking up. I am waking up to the fact that we, or I, have to follow what interests us. The "thing" that keeps us going and makes us go, "wow, I really feel a peace within." So with that, I ask for your prayers right now. I am asking for clarity on the big picture. Where does the path lead after July 15th when I return to Tucson, AZ? Please pray that I am pointed in the right direction and that my vision not be clouded by my own wants or desires.
The quest for the "stuffable rain jacket" must go on. Before I end this short blog, I wanted to say THANK YOU to all of those who have supported me with donations and prayers in the recent weeks. I would love to shout out names to make it more personal, but that may be awkward...I will just have to call you up and write you letters...thank you, thank you, thank you!
Much love,
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