Saturday, June 28, 2008


Thank you to everyone who supported me with donations...I started packing it tonight and I hope I can fit everything!:)

I wanted to let you know what I will be bringing with me:

* Baby dolls - I have an awesome co-worker who gave me a lot of dolls and barbie dolls
* Toy cars - from same "awesome co-worker"
* Fabric totes - with lots of crafts to decorate them
* Crayons
* Notebook paper
* Construction paper
* Scissors
* Clothes
* Stickers - loads o' stickers

Thank you so much for all of your help...

On a serious note, please pray for me at this time in regards to finding a peace about going...I am so busy right now with moving, packing, and finding a place for my dog to stay that I feel lost and my heart isn't focused on preparing to go...

2 more days and counting! yay!

Much love,

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