Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Update...or...dateup...or...up to the date...:)

I want to say thank you to everyone who has supported me. It has meant a lot to me...thank you, thank you!

I will definitely be giving a lot of you phone calls in the next few weeks, but I figured this blog can be used to give you a quick look on where I stand with the financials of this trip.

Total cost: $3150
Your support: $1000...exactly :)
And it continues to come wasn't expected at all, but that is my lesson learned..."trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding."

Thank you!!

This month I'm getting all my shots/immunizations. Oh joy...

Spiritually I am learning more about myself every day. I ask for your prayers at this time. I pray for my heart to continue to be worked on and be prepared to "serve".
I have to keep myself in check every day in regards to this. I ask myself, "why am I going?" and I have to keep my motives pure and selfless.

Well, not much else to say. It's going to be another warm day in Tucson. It was supposed to rain yesterday and I was so excited when I was driving home from work because there were clouds in the sky. I haven't seen clouds in months! I love rain and I live in the desert...things that make you go "hmmmm"....

Much love,

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