Saturday, May 3, 2008

Be Bold in Love

I just got done checking out the website (Stands for "to write love on her arms") Please check it out (after reading my blog, of course!) :)
I won't tell you much about the website, but it is truly amazing what a small group of people are doing. However, I read this on the website and it is beautiful:
"We are only asked to love, to offer hope to the many hopeless. We don't get to choose all the endings, but we are asked to play the rescuers. We won't solve all mysteries and our hearts will certainly break in such a vulnerable life, but it is the best way. We were made to be lovers bold in broken places, pouring ourselves out again and again until we're called home."
I can't make this statement any more beautiful than it already is.
What I seem to struggle with is how I incorporate this in to my life Wait, every...single...moment Do you know what I'm talking about? How I can love more at certain times, but not all the time?
For instance, there is a woman that I work with and my heart breaks for her. I saw her today and I wanted to put my arms around her and let her know that I care. However, legalities or being "politically correct" keep me and her separate. I look like a stiff, rigid supervisor to her and I feel like I'm letting her down. How can I be going to Africa, yet I can't even love the people that are right in front of me? I have been struggling with this for the past few weeks and I have been asking God to speak for me and to show his love through me. I woke up the other morning (after another night of "off and on" sleep because of this exact feeling of not being able to reach these people) and the word "listen" was the first thing that came to mind.
I don't listen enough. I didn't write on this blog for a week because of this reason...sometimes, nothing needs to be said/written. I'm going to work on this. I am going to slow down (remember a previous blog I posted, "Peace Stealers", and I wrote that I am a fast-paced-individual) and I am going to listen. I am going to listen to those around me, I am going to be still and listen to God, I am going to listen to my parents more (for you, Mom and Dad), I am going to listen more than I talk.
If I am unable to reach out to this coworker, then it has been a lie I have told myself. I can reach out to them. I can pray, I can listen, and I can show her God's love through me. Like the quote from, "we were made to be lovers bold in broken places"...then I must be bold...I must listen...I must show love.
Slow down someone.
Don Miller says (Author of Blue Like Jazz), "we're called to hold our hands against the wounds of a broken world, to stop the bleeding." Wouldn't it be amazing if we all did that? We reached out to everyone and before we offer advice, judge, etc...we listen.


the bradfords said...

You are so right Jen, what a gifted writer you are. I will be praying for opportunities for you and your co-worker.
Mary Beth

Jen E said...

thanks, MaryBeth. I would love to chat with you sometime. Can I give you a call when I'm home, or maybe I'll even see you?
